(no subject)

Feb 02, 2009 23:35


OK. Seriously. We need a new housemate.

Lived her for quite some time now, and the landlord has always been fine. He's started getting weird.. unsurprising really. He's been good enough to not charge us Ben's rent, but for how long? If we don't get someone soon I think he's going to get really iffy at us. Turns out today, someone painted the spare room. Now, this wouldn't be a problem if we'd been warned, but no. So now, half my LRP gear which was sitting in there for the sake of, well, empty space, has nice splatters of white paint. I think I've got most of it off.. but feh.

I phoned him up, and he bitched at me that we didn't report the toilet problems sooner (in our defence, that thing's been bust for ages... and we didn't want to pressure a situation where he's already charging us less rent!), and oh, he said he should have been warned we were keeping things in there. WHY? No-one else is using the fucking space and if he wants it clear for a viewing or for decorating, I can (and have) clear it in literally 5 minutes. On top of that, we're sposed to have warning of stuff like that ANYWAY...


In other news I have a new laptop, thanks to my grandad being awesome. It is shiny and I'm playing WoW again, but it's all being overshadowed in my mind by the above. I know it's stupid, but if I can't feel comfortable in my house, then... meh.

God I'm emo today.

There's other stuff going on, but I really don't want to go into that.

Do you ever wish you could just fly away, take the one or two things that matter with you and leave everything else in the world behind?

I do.

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