
Jun 18, 2008 12:59

Shoulda posted this a couple of days ago, heh.

Partay at my place! This Friday, bring beers and stuff, and if the weather is nice enough, we're thinking BBQ.

The occasion? Nominally down to the collective birthdays next week, but mostly for the sake of having a party! All the obvious peoples are invited, and if there's anyone from the WFRP/Vamp crew who are in the area and fancy popping along, you are more than welcome (myself and Ben will obviously be there, and I'm hoping to garner other related people :D). Let me know on here and I can organise directions and the like. Limited sofa space available if needs be!

Location: Alfred St. If you don't know where, I'll tell ya.
Time: Eveningish. Show up sometime post-work, it's all good.
Plans: Alcohol, potential BBQ, all that jazz.

Pass the word around, and if peoples can let me know if they are up for joining us, that'd be cool :)

Sorry for the short notice!

(Oh, in unrelated news, Soul Eater manga is awesome. Go read it.)
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