(no subject)

Oct 08, 2006 10:39

Yay, what a weekend! Friday, for those who didn't know, I went to my first proper, full-blown wedding (as opposed to registry office weddings - it's a different experience). - the wedding of Adam and Amy (onesti and lawyer_laws on LJ. Does Amy have to change her LJ name now?)

Photos are here by the way, let's get that out of the way.

Friday morning, Tom and I trained it down to Dawlish Warren, a little seaside place near Exeter. Now firstly, I've never been to that part of the country before. Surprising, I know. Secondly, Tom's nice organised train timetable... didn't exist. Luckily, we managed to catch completely different trains, and were only 10 minutes later than we expected, so that was good. For future notice, Dawlish and Dawlish Warren are different places.

Once there, Adam gave us a lift to the hotel where it was all taking place, where we met up with Aled, Greg, Kalyn, (and little Gabriel), but also Owen, AndyFred + Bronwyn, and Redshirt Steve, none of whom I'd seen for ages! It was good to catch up with everyone. We got a little concerned, when neither mine/Aled's room, Tom's room or Adam's brother (another Tom, who'd come from New Zealand for this)'s room were ready til 15 minutes before the ceremony! Luckily, we got in eventually and all changed into our best duds.

The ceremony was surprisingly short, but it was honest, sincere and emotional, and everyone involved looked awesome. I loved Amy's dress, and the matching waistcoat/long coat ensemble that the groom, best man and assorted relatives wore. Also, Lex's hair was amazing - how she managed to sleep with it like that without anything coming loose, I'll never know!

On to the reception, and the drinking began. I drank a LOT, but due to party physics, didn't feel too drunk. Musta been a bit sloshed though, cause I did a lot of dancing... the Wedding Singer fella was good fun, did a great job of getting everyone involved and interested. I wasn't too keen on his Elvis set though. And for anyone who likes little details, the first dance was Lady in Red.

Oops, missed a bit. There was a LOT of food. I ate it all. Tasty tasty buffet, followed by chocolate cake, cheesecake and the like (I had the gooey alcoholic chocolate cake), cheese, wedding cake and a chocolate fondue fountain! Gawd, was I stuffed.

Anyway, eventually the music went away, and a few of us chilled in the bar for a couple of hours, before crashing out. I was AMAZED Owen was not hung over in the morning, heh. Shared with Aled, and apologised profusely as usual for snoring - he claims it wasn't bad, so that's ok. The beds were HOOJ. That's Huge, and Aled took the single bed, leaving me with the double. I was sooo upset by that. Not.

Morning came, and no hangover, which was nice. Plus, we all agreed that it was awesome to wake up like that, then realise it was still saturday, not sunday, and we didn't have work the next day. Yay! Breakfast was fried, and large. More fullness ensued. Afterwards, I popped in to see Greg and Kalyn's balcony for a bit, ended up fussing the baby for a while. That baby continues to be adorable. He was very vocal that morning, which was incredibly cute, heh. After bunch of us (me, Aled, Greg, Kalyn, Gabe, Owen, Tom, Lex, AndyFred and Bron) chilled on the veranda for a while, we decided, as it was a lovely day, to check out the seaside town. The air was lovely there, and the sun was bright - luckily I'd remembered to pack my shades. (Forgot my tie, mind. Thanks again for the loan, Aled :))

We stopped for lunch, I forget the name of the place, and we ate MORE! Potatoes filled with cheese and bacon for me. Lex and I opted for the dessert too, despite already being full - but then, it was belgian waffles. Covered in icecream. And banana. And toffee. That's right. Banoffee Waffles. We were in HEAVEN.

Eventually, we ceased our decadence and trained it back into Cardiff.

Thanks to everyone concerned, thanks to Amy and Adam for inviting me, and I hope the honeymoon goes well. Wonderful weekend!

But my wallet hurts... :P
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