Apr 03, 2014 23:59
I clicked through Facebook photos I was tagged in, and hit a video. I didn't even know you could post those or tag people in them.
This thing has been there for years and I have never seen it.
One minute and 46 seconds. Friends knocking at my door. A brief look around my apartment in Santa Barbara, and Bon Iver's Re:Stacks blaring over soft mariachi music from the park across the street. I smile a little. I looked so happy! Then I start crying. Maybe it's the music. Maybe it's the clean apartment. Maybe it's a salty breeze I can almost taste. Maybe it's the way I smiled.
I am breaking my own heart and I need to remember how to be in that moment.
That one.
The one where I say hello, smile, and later we go out. The one where two of us split a second beer via a friendly bartender's soda fountain suggestion of two straws. The one where he makes fun of us and it doesn't matter because it is funny
and we laugh
via ljapp