Title: 罪と罰 (Tsumi to batsu)
Pairing: Akame
Genre: it can't be called fluff, but yeah, somewhere there. Smut as well
Rating: NC-17ish
Summary: Jin makes a mistake and Kame is jealous, so he decides to pay Jin with the same coin. But then Jin gets jealous and has to... punish Kame XD
Disclaimer: I own their hearts.... no, wait... it's the other way around
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btw, you also have a spot in chapter 10 of Double or Nothing XD
Seems that being a part of all-boy band with all the possibilities for jealousy is not good for their relationship... OR *grin* regarding the way of their conciliations it could be actaully the best thing that could have happened to them ^_^
and lol, can't believe I'm going to say something like this.... but poor Koki, trapped in the middle of akame little quarrel XDD
and... hey, Koki is awesome <3 as long as he's not meddling with akame XD *shot*
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