Title: Repainting
Pairing: Akame
Genre: smut, a bit of totally failed crack XD
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jin wants to repaint his bedroom. The next morning, when he was about to start, he heard a knock on the door. It was someone who wanted to help him. (summary sucks, I know *hides*)
A/N: This was a request from Gina-chan. But this fic is also a birthday
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First of all, I'm really sorry it took me so long!
First exams almost sucked life out of me and them *sighs* instead of having a chance to celebrate properly I got pretty much sick and right now I feel like re-reading the fic with Kame throwing up every time he eats something because I can more than well relate to him >___<
Anyway...... let's talk about this fic now *grin*
“I heard you. I was just thinking.”
“Colors?” The guy raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow hearing those words.
Somehow I can so imagine Kame's look here... he was probably thinking Jin just once again threw in the first random word instead of an answer XDD
haha Kame showing up at in's doorstep unannounced... hm... I swear I would have had a suspicion even if I hadn't been the one giving you the prompt *laughs* and Jin should have better listen to his first instinct that was telling him something was odd lol... but well, maybe it's a good thing he didn't because otherwise it could have ended up differently..
OMG!! I love you!! Tease Kame on the roll exactly how I was imagining him to be!!! *laughs some more* Banana? Eggplant?? Wasn't he just the cutest mischievous little thing ever here?? Soooo innocent yet devilish at the same time xDDD Jin surely had to be a bit sweating seeing Kame in action, ne?
I kind of feel like copy/paste the whole thing back on you because I'm still grinning like an idiot going through it or like nth time and still finding it freaking funny!!!
Or at least until the things get more serious and hot and just.............. *dies*
Well, actually, what I love most probably the most is how well you balanced the funny parts and the not so funny ones ♥ Because well, after all they are boys having fun, ne? No big drama O__o
just sayin', ne? *gets bricked*
lol Kame and his clothes xDD Yeah, we all know *grin*
But honestly, as much I was trying, I'm not sure whether I would be able to tell you which parts you borrowed.... sometimes I had some kind of de ja vu but I really don't dare to quote them because I could be wrong and that would be just extremely embarrassing *shot*
But "Too many clothes." kind of sounds like a line from my Wish fic *hides*
“You have to prepare me if you don't want me to kill you tomorrow.” lol it's always nice when at least one of them is able to keep a bit cool head xDD
And the return to the teasing mood at the end was pure win, dear Ma-chan!! ♥
So, once again, THANK YOU SO MUCH for writing this and giving me such a great birthday present!!
I do hope you're better *HUG*
Idk why, but random!Jin is kinda appealing to me XDD I just love him <3
Or it may have ended the same way XD *shot* You can never know what's going on through that baka's mind *laughs*
*grin* From the moment I read your prompt I thought that the fic should be funny as well XDD
and now I got to the point where Idk what to reply *shot*
Actually... what I borrowed was the last line XDDD “Your wish is my command... and our pleasure.” Well, I have to admit I was inspired by your 'Wish' series *hides* and I thought that this line fit pretty well *shot*
And of course that was Kame, seeing that Jin was pretty turned on XD and when the baka is like that, well... there's no stopping him XDD
I'm happy to know you enjoyed it <333 and again HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! *massive bear HUG*
Yeah, I'm kind of alive, not much though. I hate being sick and having to lie in bed >___< Anyway, the exams went pretty smooth, I almost feel like saying surprisingly smooth. I got A from both of them and now everything is done and all I have to do is passing the graduation exam June 3 *dies* So I decided to take a little rest during this weekend not that I have much other choices since I still feel like crap and start studying from Monday hopefully
Okay, so I more than obviously suck at recognizing my own fics xDDD It used to be much easier with only one or two works written but now... O___o but adfhsfsjgs You were inspired by me?? ME?? Idk what to say ♥
random colorful turtle is.... well, random colorful turtle xDD
oh, btw, now you are most probably a mind reader because when I was giving you the prompt I WAS hoping for the fic to be funny and light and more than anything there was this picture on my mind
and the way you wrote their teasing kind of made the picture come to life and I will forever love you for that ♥
*tries to survive the hug attack*
I know how you feel XD Funny fact not necessarily related *shot*: I sometimes get comments on my fics and I don't know what the fic was about *shot*
Of course I was! <333 *will be your fan forever*
The photo <333
*grin* I'm so glad you liked it ^_^ I wanted to write a bit more teasing, but then who knows when I would have got to the smut part *hides*
*HUG* It was my honour *grin*
and yes, it's 3am,so sorry fo any incoherence XDDD
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