Title: Repainting
Pairing: Akame
Genre: smut, a bit of totally failed crack XD
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jin wants to repaint his bedroom. The next morning, when he was about to start, he heard a knock on the door. It was someone who wanted to help him. (summary sucks, I know *hides*)
A/N: This was a request from Gina-chan. But this fic is also a birthday
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just because today I seem to be fast at taking spot lol
So he was sitting there, on the sofa outside the recording studio, staring at the clock in such a menacing way that he thought it would scare it and make its needles move faster. <= LOL! How many time I stared at the clock that way but it never seemed to work *sigh* XD Sorry that was random but I had to mention it :p
Anyways that was kjfhgfjdhafjgjghjfghjfdhfjkhdjkgjdghjjfhgljuthjgiujkslzjkfdhgsf. And I’m sorry because I’m so bad at commenting on smut but just… wow! Really hot!
And banana and eggplant was a WIN!!!! XD I could totally envision Kazuya drawing on the wall like a cute little child haha And then the part when they run in the room, throwing paint on each other!! I bet they have never been so colourful in the end lol
I love Jin and Kame’s replies to each other during the whole fic. I loved the whole playful atmosphere and teasing Kazuya was ♥ I like the fluffy part at the end as well~ I really enjoyed it~ Thank you Mara ♥
lol but you always leave such ahgsfjgasjhdfaz <33 comments ^__^
Whenever I hear 'Kame' and 'banana' in the same sentence or phrase, i remember the scene from a CTKT episode when AkameDa have to eat bananas XD *random* but Kame.... oh Kame OTZ
<333 So happy to hear that <3 I wrote this fic in 2-3 days I think XD and I really hoped that the atmosphere stayed the same it sometimes happens to me to change the atmosphere w/o realizing it >_> mendokusai yo >.<
Really? wow~ But yes, the atmosphere was the same, very enjoyable I know, I know *sigh* I hate that when I do it as well, a LOT!
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