Title: 君に出会った電車 (Kimi ni deatta densha/The train where I met you)
Pairing: AKame
Genre: romance
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Akanishi Jin, student, was on his way to Tokyo for and exam. But who does he meet on the train?
Disclaimer: I own their hearts.... no, wait... it's the other way around *sigh*
A/N:The 8th drabble of the Drabble Meme XD for
norilys Sorry it
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That was really nice :D
And now I'm really curious to know where the inspiration stops :P
Well, it stops pretty soon XD LOL
Me *looks around carefully and then runs away*
So I'm pretty glad it went well for them :P :)
Mi e dor de tine draga! Cand mergi acasa?
Buuuuh din pacate trebuie sa dorm acum...maine trebuie sa merg la Udine...sora mea revine din Lecce. Uhm....nice ca romaneste al meu e more crappy with each day passing by.
Noapte buna draga ♥
Ah, romana ta e ok :D Maine (adica azi LOL) ma duc acasa. Am avut un Xmas party si maine am de platit a 2a rata a taxei de scolarizare si un examen >.<
Noapte buna draga *HUG* si scuze ca iti raspund asa tariu *shot*
Nici o problema daca scrii tarziu XD Am inteles...have a safe trip then? :D How was the party? Did you had fun?
Thank you dear!
The party was too noisy for me in that moment *sigh* so I just stayed at the reception and did other stuff
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