Monday was a vacation day (yes, in preparation for this event), and Friday, I mysteriously became "ill" and had to take a sick day. No weirdness occurred (aside from accidentally going to the Best Buy in the morning before opening hours), and I was able to obtain WOTLK on Thursday. And man, is it fun.
This past weekend, I have
-Slain my best friend
-Gathered an army of ghouls
-Stormed a floating Necropolis
-Rode a magic carpet
-Gotten 2 seals together to repopulate an island
-Boarded a ghost ship
-Scuffed up The Dude's rug
-Fed an insane captain to his giant pet bear
-Rocket jumped a golem around a dig site
-Been murdered by the Lich King in the spirit world
-Killed 15 turkeys in 3 minutes
-Hypnotized a frog
-Battled my Inner Turmoil and then jumped off a mountain
-Visited a floating city of Mages
-Built and piloted catapults/siege engines
-Been chased over land by a sewer shark
-Murdered a seal to make soap
-Literally scared the shit out of bats (which has actually been the worst quest so far)
-Ran through a forest that was eternally ablaze.
-And my personal favorite, Fired a giant harpoon and RIDDEN it over a lake whilst it was ON FIRE.
It's been a good weekend.