An unfamiliar ceiling...
I'm home?
The grueling adventure of moving is over. After packing up my entire life into 1 car (while ditching pretty much all my furniture), I made the drive down to Massachusetts, then to New Jersey, and finally to Maryland. The stop in Massachusetts was to divy up the load between my car and my parents, so I could actually see out the back. The drive was long, and I'm glad it's over. My parents led the way with me tailing them, which proved surprisingly difficult for some of the high-velocity, high-traffic areas. I can tell I'm going to have to improve my driving to make it here.
My room's finally all set up, though I should probably buy a bookshelf to house the books/comics that are stacked all along the way, at a height level with my thighs. Ikea was pretty awesome for getting furniture, and my new bed is pretty comfy. Also, their swedish meatballs were surprisingly tasty. Yeah, they serve food, too, who knew? I was astounded at the sheer scale of Ikea. I knew that they sold furniture, but it hadn't added up in my head to how much space they would need to store it all. Their warehouse was massive!
It was of course, great to see the new roomies after so long (or not so long in
raszama's case). If I have to figure out the city, I'm happy to do it alongside friends.
Hello Wheaton, MD. I have arrived.