The Golden Compass was a fun book, and soon to become a movie. One of the neat things about the world were the Daemons, literal representations of your soul outside your body. These critters changed shape constantly as you grew up, and eventually fixed on a shape that best suited your personality. They were like a witch's familiar, only everyone had one.
Apparently, my Daemon, Olyandra, is an awesome looking Lynx. Though, with YOUR help, it can change into something different, depending on your perception of me. Remember, DRAGON. Think Dragon. That'll be the best Daemon for me.
Thanks for pointing this out to me,
EDIT: What the hell? My awesome Lynx became a silly tweeter bird? What have you people done?? WHO'S RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS?
Re-EDIT: Hmm, now it's a black cat. Man, this thing really does change!