[OOC] Application

Feb 01, 2010 18:29

Name/Handle: Kuroda
Contact: AIM@: ItaLoli
Personal LJ: kurodauchiha

Name: Shihouin Yoruichi
Series: BLEACH
Canon: OU
Age: I haven't a clue. (Kubo won't tell ;_;) At least 100+
She was born as the princess of the Tenshi Heisouban (House of Godly Gears), The Shihouin family, one of Soul Society's four noble families. She grew up living at the Shihouin Mansion with her childhood friends Tessai and Kisuke playing together under the Soukyoku hill training area. This was something that Kisuke had built while they were children.

Later she became the 22nd generational head of the Shihouin family, the first woman to hold the position. She also took up the position of Corps Commander of the Executive Militia of the Onmitsukido, later becoming the Commander-in-Chief of the Onmitsukidou as the position is usually held by the Shihouin family head. This eventually led to her rise to the position of Captain of the Second Division of the Gotei 13, uniting the formerly separate military arms together. It was about this time that she took Soifon as a personal bodyguard. She became a mentor and friend to the young girl, teaching her most of the techniques she knew. She also developed a number of techniques that involved shunpo, teaching some of these to Byakuya.

Around one hundred and ten years before the current time line, Yoruichi recommended that her third seat, Urahara Kisuke, be appointed to the position of the Twelfth Division Captain, after it's former captain was promoted. Prior to this, she has a small sparing match with Kisuke in the Soukyoku hill training area, after which she tells him she had nominated him for the position. Upon learning of this, Soifon confronts Yoruichi, saying that she had overestimated Urahara's capabilities. She also mentions that it was a mistake in appointing him as Corps Commander of the Detention Unit, that he is undeserving of the position. Yoruichi admits that Kisuke isn't the hardest worker, but teases Soifon that such focus on him must be her having a crush on him. She denies it, and walks off, only to spend the day following him around, taking notes. She returns to Yoruichi only to find Kisuke with her, where Yoruichi tells her that Urahara will be taking the captain's proficiency test. She then asks Soifon to attend the exam as well after explaining that normally it is not allowed, but she asked for special permission. When asked why she wanted Soifon to attend, Yoruichi once again teases the girl, saying she knew that Soifon had spent the day following Kisuke around and was obviously attracted to him. Soifon admits to following him around, only to prove to her that he is lazy and not worthy of Yoruichi's praise. She hands Yoruichi her notes, who reads them and comments on how detailed they are, and Kisuke doesn't deny anything on the report, shocking Soifon with admittance to such seemingly unprofessional behavior. Yoruichi mentions then that Kisuke never changes, and compliments Soifon on her information gathering skills. Soifon is pleased to hear this until Yoruichi regards the notes not as intelligence information but as a love confession. With Soifon distressed Yoruichi laughs telling her she wasn't serious. It is then that they are interrupted by a squad member who tells Urahara that the people he was looking for had been found, to which Soifon comments that if he is late to his test it will make the Second Division and Yoruichi look bad. Yoruichi dismissed Urahara telling him to hurry with his duty and tells Soifon to come along and help prepare for his test.

A few days later, Yoruichi is seen amongst the other captains, awaiting the start of the ceremony. She criticizes him for being reluctant, telling him to stand tall, that he is already a captain. A couple of days after this, after he has already taken over the Twelfth Division, an Onmitsukidou member informs Yoruichi that Kisuke has entered the property, claiming he was giving prior approval to be there. Yoruichi, who cannot seem to recall if she had given the permission or not tells the division members not to bother and let he go where he please. When Soifon tries to voice her disapproval, Yoruichi tells her it is just Kisuke they're talking about, and he must have some kind of plan.

A day or so later, Yoruichi accompanies Kuchiki Ginrei to the Kuchiki manor to play a game of flash tag with Byakuya. Upon seeing her, Byakuya who had been training swings his sword at her and calls her 'were-cat'. She laughs and teases him, calling him 'Little Byakuya' complaining that his greeting is rude after she came all that way just to play with him. He yells that he never wanted to see the likes of her, that he'll be head of the clan soon, and has no time to waste playing with her. She then steals the ribbon holding his hair and exclaims that she fears for the future of the clan if he can have his hair tie stolen by a girl at play. He then chases after her after making claim that his shunpo had surpassed hers long ago.

Yoruichi, nine years later, is seen in an emergency meeting with the others captains. The Captain-Commander is giving a report about disappearances of the ninth division captain, and vice captain who had been sent out to investigate disappearances of other division members. After the Captain-Commander states that he will send five captains to search Kisuke bursts in winded and frantic, requesting that be allowed to go since he has just sent his vice-captain. He is told no, and when he goes to protest Yoruichi tells him to stop acting pathetic and get a hold of himself. She also tells him that he himself sent Hayori and to lose his composure is an insult to her. After this the Captain-Commander finishes naming the investigation team, telling Yoruichi she is on standby until further notified.

Yoruichi is intelligent and witty. Since she is the leader of the Onmitsukidou and the Second Division captain she is intimately knowledgeable of the Soul Society and how it works. She is a noble by birth, although the way she acts differs greatly from how other noble's act. For example she has instructed Soifon to address her without honorifics. Though reluctantly in the end, she settles for being called 'Yoruichi-sama'. Another example of her eccentricity is how she refers to herself with 'washi' (something that an old man would use to define themselves) instead of 'watashi', a more feminine term. She does this in both forms, which leads one to believe she is a male unless they have seen her human form.

While she can be serious when it is needed, she is rather playful. She even teases Soifon about having a crush on Kisuke after she spends an entire day following him around only to laugh at her when she gets flustered over it.

She also tends to stay back out of battles, only stepping in if she thinks her side cannot win, she prefers to wait and help out after the battle. She had once needed to step in an destroy a hollow that one of her squad members was having troubles with, taking it out with her -as of yet unnamed- zampakutou.

And true to her feline behavior, and personality Yoruichi doesn't much mind for sake, she likes milk. When she's tired, she'll go for the milk. It keeps her in high spirits.

Third-Person Sample: She rested carelessly over the the width of the bed, her feet swinging in the air behind her, one arm crossed in front of her, over her chest, the other hanging down, absently twirling around an empty milk bottle. A white haori was draped over her -actually being the only thing she was wearing- the kanji for the number two imprinted inside the shape of a diamond on her back. Short strands of purple hair were pushed up from her shoulders, the longer strands in the back settling between her shoulder blades, an a few in front catching on the ribbon she wore tied around her neck, others falling down into yellow-golden eyes.

Boredom had settled in since she had arrived. She hadn't Soifon or Byakuya to keep on their toes with this or that, and Kisuke wasn't around to indulge her in a game or a good spar. She even missed her duties a captain, however mundane they might have been, and her Onmitsukidou daily drills.

She rolled onto her side, curling into something that could only be described as catlike, resting her head against on of her arms. She'd find something to do, someone to entertain her, she always did. But first, a cat nap.

First-Person Sample Journal Post: I have known some of my fellow captains to keep journals, something I had stopped doing myself upon entry to the Onmitsukidou, I hadn't the time to do so anymore. Then factoring in the incredibly long life spans we all live, it becomes troublesome, after a while. So much to account for, I have simply found not to bother.

Though it seems, in contradiction to myself, I have once again picked up the act of keeping a journal. A diary, perhaps, as I know they are called from time to time, but I would not consider this such. It is rather public, after all. Something I will have to be careful with. There are things I do not want general populace to know~

Well, this was a little pointless, but it was nostalgic. It has been ages since I was just an member of the Onmitsukidou, and now I'm a captain. A lot has happened in the last century.

Anyways, I'm going to go find milk, it has been a while since I've had any.

[ooc], application

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