Stole from
joey_fraser xD.
1. Put together a list of your original characters.
2. Ask your friends to comment with:
A. One of the character's names
B. Up to three questions about ANY of the characters on the list.
3. Reply to the comment and share three pieces of information about the character whose name was given and answer the three questions.
Okay... sooo... 8D I'll start with my main project..
Dark Matter: Destiny
This is probably the largest project that I'm writing. It is something I wish to see in game format. If worst comes to worst, if I'm able to finish putting together the important elements together, and complete it to my liking (and my drawing skills have improved mucho) then maybe I'll convert it off in manga format. Though I really hope to see it as a game ;w;.
The concept for the story at the moment is pretty long... But if you feel like reading much, D: I've posted an un-editted (and horribly written) prologue to the story. I really need to edit it xD; A lot of things have changed (mainly some character's names, Like Faeth was formally named Terrilin, but I thought it wasn't a name that fit him so I renamed him Faeth xD;, but it's generally the same concept.
Readie Readie here! I have lots of juicy timbits on the characters though xD
Anywho, character names. These are the ones I created so far that are the most developed. I have some concepts for other characters flying around but they're not much to go on... so...
Sevena Aros Ardinaria
Faeth Vidos Gazian
Ithius Alika Yuolin
Rothuris Osiz Setsevia (Rothuris the Relentless)
Evangelia Heira Quesinto (Evangelia the Eagle Eye)
Eveus Lias Ardinaria
Um... and then a stack of random character from a variety of other stories I'm creating or role plays |D
Mareo Izumigawa
Isidore Amos Murgatroyd
Saxon Xerxes Tyrus
Zhao twins (just Zhao1 and Zhao2 for now xD; didn't think up last names yet)
Akeno Miyamoto
Jumoke Reed
Takara Nakamura
Haiiro Ishikawa
Tsuyu Kitashima
Ari (Watashi wa Arimasen)
Rai Tokushima
Anyway, that's it. |D my premium account on LJ dies in 5 days... bummer D:...