Oct 05, 2008 22:37
Going over my various notes for various classes, and I remembered something that was brought up in Ethics.
Why does this make RayK angry?
Well, it would seem that Fraser is not all closed-off because he's following his Dad's example - not entirely. We all know how little he saw of Bob as a kid - it's possible that he saw more of Dead!Bob than he did Living!Bob, and he certainly read more about him from the journals (and what others said) than he saw his father either living or dead.
He's closed off because he was taught to be. Yes, you read that right.
Apparantly, it's not a good idea to be too open with people if you're in a remote-location, with a smaller, closer-knit community.
No lie. It's considered a safety issue. Personal information can and will be used against you by -ahem- that certain 5-10% of society.
And we know from canon that before Chicago, he'd never really been in a big city. Arresting a man in Wyoming aside.
Community policing? Not what it would appear to be at first glance.
Other fun things!
1) There is one heck of a lot more poverty in rural Canada than there is in more urbanised areas.
2) You can see people make alcohol out of anything. When I say 'anything', I include the words 'air-freshener'.
3) Fraser made it through an ethical dilemma that involved a conflict between his moral and his professional codes in Asylum. In real life, he would have needed to follow the professional, although he did manage to turn International Law to his advantage in this instance. Very cunning.
4) Speaking of Asylum, Turnball should really not be reciting cases like that. Really.
5) My fandom needs more usage of Police Notebooks! -sobs- I am in adoration of that one scene in Perfect Strangers.
6) All members of the RCMP are de facto Customs Officers. Huh. Fun, actually.
7) Ray has a turtle for a reason. I suspect that the reason is so that he has something to come home to. This is actually incredibly important in policing. You do need something to promise that you'll be coming home. Even if it's something like a note on the fridge that says 'call so-and-so'. For a very long time, Ray had Stella to make that promise to; now he has a turtle. The promise is the same. (For those wondering, I just want the goldfish because I want three goldfish, not so I can promise them I'll be home. The Peace-Lily, however, is not entirely Hot Fuzz, no matter how much I decide to call it 'Cornetto'; it's another thing to make a promise to - gotta be home to water the thing!)
8) Nightshifts suck. But actually, morning shifts are worse.
9) There is more paperwork than you think there is.
character study,
be not afraid to tell me what you think,
due south