Listen very carefully, I shall say this only once...

Sep 03, 2013 23:11

So, to start off with?
Guys, I love my job. I adore my job.

It's just that today it decided to be crap to me.
Well. Not specifically my job decided to be crap. Just the emails aspect. Which meant I couldn't handle the accounts (which, guys, are my favourite thing. I adore doing accounts, I just sit there with my gleefully reprogrammed keyboard, pressing all the buttons which I reprogrammed to do other things for me, and then I put it into this prettily formatted worddoc which I got to design and muck about with GIMP to make and all sorts of things and I can go in and muck about with the code if it annoys me ever).

Because some dingbat down the road decided to do an email server upgrade and not tell anybody. Which meant, guess what? No emails all damn day.
So yay, group internal email time (which is handled by the Exchange Server in the building, and not the bananarama from down the road; and I also get to break out my special 'computers work only' internal email signature, which is always fun), in which I attempted to explain, using words of two syllables or less (because these are lawyers; I reasonably expect legal jargon, I do not reasonably expect them to comprehend the computer jargon) what the fuck had gone wrong with the emails. Because all I'd been getting up until that point was 'what's wrong with the emails, why can't you fix it?'. Here's why.

Naturally, nobody read the email in full (which, I would kinda like it if they had, as I put effort into it). So I continued to get the 'what went wrong there' query, and then the very warped version of that BACK at me, like it's meant to be information which is new to me (okay, let's explain this one again...).

So far all I've managed to do is pull a list of the emails, not any content. How and why? Because I have a neato Spam Filter system, that's how and why. Yay for that!

And then I worked out that my coworker, who is awesome and whom I adore, wants to leave. Sometimes she says she is, but she's kinda joking and kinda not, and she said it today and I believed her all the way and that's not cool and I'm mega going to miss her because she's freaking awesome.
As in, has packed up her desk today wants to leave.
As in has taken her neato fake pot plant home today wants to leave, and all the other awesomecakes cubicle decorations (my cubicle has Court updates and XKCD cartoons, my cubicle fucking rocks).

Bad afternoon. WORSE END OF DAY.
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