Updates on my iPod challenge

Nov 07, 2012 16:24

I'm totally not going to manage to get through my music collection before the end of the year. Maybe before this time next year. Especially taking into account the differentials between the two computers running the iTunes, AND all of the CDs that haven't been added yet but which are in the physical media but not yet the digitised. Yeah, we're talking about another 200 to go on that scale, ignoring the LP records which keep getting added to because did you know they're re-releasing more and more Beach Boys albums? Because they are, and we just keep buying them all.

I'm currently running two different playlists to go through. The second one is 'Mystery Musics', that is, music whose filenames have become corrupted or which I was given but never had the album name for in a mix CD or so. This second one also has quite a few things which are accidentally audiobooks (and, I have no idea how or why or who came up with this, but I have The War of the Worlds: The Musical on my iPod now, and let's just say, it's AWESOME), so assume anything from the second playlist and subtract a few hundred or so from the total there, to account for both the doubling-up of songs (often, when things were corrupted, I just readed the whole CD from the collection), for Audiobooks, and for people like Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift and music from the Twilight Soundtracks sneaking past my 'crap' radar.

Playlist one, syncing to Haruka, my faithful 4GB 3rd Gen Nano:
260 of 11161 items
12.8 hours
1.34 GB
So not so great there.

Playlist two, syncing to Frank, my Zombie 2GB 2nd Gen Shuffle:
328 of 1173 items
21.2 hours
1.8 GB
Still not ideal.

Playlist three, syncing to Come Along Pond, my not at all zombied 2GB 4th Gen Shuffle, bought to replace Frank when Frank was Beatmen (named after the fictional band from the Dragon Voice manga):
Pond is being filled with Christmas Tunes, and will be broken out properly come Christmas. Which is after November. Curses.

Playlist four, syncing to Karasuhebi, my cheerfully still alive 512mb 1st Gen iPod-for-HP Shuffle:
Karasuhebi was taken to work to sync with one of the older MacMinis there, and while he registers on the system here now, I'm taking it easy with him. He's filled with iTunes for work. I've taken him to see the Apple Store, and he got, no kidding here, much admired by the people at the Genius Bar. Karasuhebi's playlist exists only on my computer at work. It is also bananas in its contents, and I feel my deskmate is to blame for this. I'm not counting that towards my totals unless I break into Karasuhebi's hidden files and put them on my iTunes. I can't think why I'd do that.

i iz a technophile, the great itunes adventure

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