(no subject)

Apr 23, 2012 20:37

So, today I didn't manage to finish all the work I needed to finish (I have a pile of work. I have an intray full of work. It feels marvelous, I tell you!). Which sucks, because I went into work all gung ho and totally fuck yeah, I'm going to DO ALL THE THINGS.

And then I didn't quite manage to do all the things. Given another 2 hours, however, I feel that I would have managed to do all the things.

I did manage, on the bus, to read through part of an article from the Journal of Clinical Nursing called 'Nurses' Role in a Zombie Epidemic'. I am not kidding (sadly, apparently my beloved PDF-ePub document converter can't handle columns. I've finally found something it doesn't like. So the reading was the true challenge).
Unfortunately, I can't find the full text of the article available online without requiring a login, so you'll just have to Google the title and take me at my word when I say that it's a very serious article.
About nursing, and the challenges which nurses face.
During zombie epidemics.
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