Nov 21, 2011 16:59
Which is not to say that we didn't have any Internet here since the third.
It's just to say that there was crap-all Internet Flow.
Meaning it went back to dial-up speeds. Except I've BEEN on dial-up speeds. This was slower than dial-up.
See, dial-up, you can usually load a webpage. Eventually. Sure, it might take long enough to make a cup of coffee (or more than one, sometimes), but it'll happen.
This particular version of false-dialup speeds, will just not load a webpage. In fact, instead of loading a webpage it will throw something at you and then sulk. This applies to anything, no matter how lacking in images it is or how much of the Internet your computer has cached.
There are three potential culprits for this.
1) I had a mandatory online class, which took place in a different 'venue' from usual. The usual is a bog standard chatroom which is made of Lag and hate. The unusual is a chatroom with video, audio, and scribbling on an electronic whiteboard - none of which are particularly stable and all of which are prone to crashing with no notice and are made of Lag and FURIOUS RAGE. Unfortunately, while turning off the video is an option, turning off the audio or the whiteboard are not - the teacher poses questions via audio and expects most answers in kind, and one simply just CAN'T turn off the whiteboard. It doesn't work.
2) My mother lost her iPad, and the Find My iPad function of Apple's may be just a bit bigger than we thought it was, for all that it loaded fast enough.
3) My sister could have been downloading something godsawful. Like Gossip Girl or something.
I think it's a combination of all three - particularly as the last time we had a 'venue change', the Internet conked out on roughly the 14th. Which is a great deal better than it dying on the 3rd, right when I've got essays to come up with.