Dear Jarvis,
I'm just sending an email out into the big wide Internet, and hoping that you'll be able to answer it and not that ghost that took your place.
I'm... Well. I'm doing things, I'm being places - you wouldn't believe some of what I get to work with here. Somehow, I've wound up in Antarctica, and I'm in one of Veidt Industries' facilities. Yes, as in THE Adrian Veidt. Who can give Tony a run for his money in the smirking - and sulking - department, but that's neither here nor there.
Oh, Jarvis. I do miss you. I kinda wish you could be here, with me; I reckon you'd really like it in the lab, it's HUGE and just full of all sorts of experiments - that are all so very tempting but I haven't touched a single one, Brownie's Honour, and it's amazing.
Well. Better get back to work. Hope everything's okay with you.
with hugs, if you ever get this,