Star Wars Books <3

Jun 20, 2009 13:03

 I read a Star Wars book last night. First new one in a while for me - I kinda missed a lot of the Yuuzhan Vong war (long story, partially involving book prices of NZ, and partially involving a sudden horror of it all. Even my favourite writers were suddenly far too dark (I expected Kevin J. Anderson's books to be a lot brighter, for example), and knew perfectly well that I was gonna be completely horrified at the thought of (spoiler here) Jacen Solo going evil, so I missed all that (and then he killed Mara! NOOOO!), even though I've got a free copy of one of the books that they sent out as a downloadable to people on the Star Wars email list (as I have been since I was all of 11).
Book one of Fate of the Jedi is Outcast, by Aaron Allston. A man who I originally expected to hate vastly (Stackpole=X-Wing series. Or so I thought...), but turned out to love to teeny tiny little pieces, to the point that when I was moving, I picked my Timothy Zhans, my copy of I, Jedi, the Movie-novels, the Compilations, the encyclopedia and companions, Splinter of the Mind's Eye (I know how much that one's worth. Is mine, gr) and every Allston I had.
It's fantastic.
Even if I have now managed to guess the entire plotarc of this series.
Come on writers, prove me wrong!

I'd have a much better review, but I have to go work in about 1/2 an hour, so I'll try to come up with something better tonight and post it to On the Nightstand.

star wars, books

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