Reporting from
Beta Blogs.
This year is going to be a very important year for me.
And I don’t just mean my upcoming move home, or my finishing the course I’m currently taking.
Work-wise, it’s also an important year.
And no, I’m not referring to my status as a coffee-girl, either. Or my hopeful career as a Police Officer. Or even my fun thing of being a webcomicker.
I’m speaking as a beta.
I’m currently going over changes for Chapter Six of
Blood Bound (and I’m not as mean as
Catherine says I am all the time - chapter five had hardly any edits!), but that’s not this year’s only project.
I’m currently participating in the
C6D Fandom’s Big Bang. Not as a writer, but as a beta and as a cheerleader. I’ll be beta for one fic, and cheerleading/beta for another. Both of these have a minimum of 20000 words.
Yeah, you read that right. 20k. That’s 40k altogether, and that’s counting at a minimum.
As a necessity, Blood Bound is going through three levels of beta. A primary (the current stage), a secondary (everything in one big shot, including changes made since the first level). I’ll be taking a day off for that), and a tertiary (not quite a rubber stamp, but an overall polishing). That in itself is fairly darned time-consuming. Some chapters can take four hours (or more) to go over - it’s not just a reading. It’s rereading and editing and clearing and pondering and, of course, asking Catherine to defend certain points or explain something in more detail - the defending is important. As a writer, do not blindly accept your editor or your beta’s changes. We are not infallible.
Add to these three the cheerleading stage of
The Superhero Diaries (note: I don’t just play the ‘this is great’ game when doing this; I actually look at things).
Oh, yeah, and I have a few long pieces of fanfiction of my own to write.
I am confident. I am calm.
I am setting up the meditation equipment and looking for a martial arts club that’ll take me.
Real life is not like fiction. But sometimes it may be filled with it.