
Dec 31, 2012 23:59

As you may be able to tell, this journal is mostly f-locked.
This does not, however, mean that I'm being entirely mean here. Some of my entries are still unlocked, and shall likely remain that way.

My username is one that I've had since I was fourteen. We only had a few moments to think one up for me, as the bell was about to ring for class, and I said 'Oh, I don't know... stupidknight? idiotknight? foolish_knight?' - taking an Arabic meaning of my name, and the descriptors most frequently assigned to me. One of my buddies suggested 'bakaknight', and that was that. Since then, I've come to see it less and less as two words, and more and more just as another group of letters for me to answer to. I've had this name for roughly six years now, and despite a certain dislike of it in the beginning (I rather preferred 'foolish_knight') it's rather grown on me.

Some things from this journal that you may be interested in:

Fiction by me.
Small highlights of Canadian Criminal Law, with English subtitles.
Fandom-related essaysrambles.
Meeting Paul Gross.
A warning to any people who may, for reasons unknown, wish to copy from my journal.

I hope you find this useful. Anything else should be able to be found within my overall tags.

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