
Oct 25, 2008 22:29

Well, Firefox was working, and then I exited it. It hasn't worked since. Back to running Safari. Which took a good fifteen minutes to open. IE is, as ever, a total loss.
I'm ah...kinda seeing double at the moment. Not fun. Not at all fun. Typing as much as I can with my eyes closed. Started seeing double just as was about to log into the school site to gather all appropriate information, so gave that up fast.
Computer is laggy as hell, despite defrag.
Currently hoping to get unbanned from the dragonspam community; I was silly, neglected to conform to rule one. It was a combination of the concussionness (I hereby declare this a new word), and of stupid computerness, and of stupid me-ness. Here's hoping I can be allowed back in. Still clicking through the posts on there though. Mod is super-helpful, however.
Toad has decided that she doesn't want to do the dishes, and has left them for me. Well, let's go see if I can do dishes with my eyes closed.
Have work at ten tomorrow. Frack.
Good news money-wise, however. I'm about to crack the 7000 mark. I've started calculating other things; if I play this right, I may actually manage to never have less than 4000 as extra savings, with 1000 more for emergencies that require immediate paying. Cunning is cunning, and a coupla years of accounting and economics have managed to serve me well.
Don't think I'll be able to do driving yet. Am hoping like Set that they'll let me transfer time on the equivalent of a Restricted license over from Canada to NZ. They probably will, but I do need to hope. Then I might just be a defensive-driving course away from being all set. Which would be nice.

Okay. Eye-closed dishes now.

my fox is not happy, not groovy, curse it all - i need a hug, driving, i ramble because i care, dragons?

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