[OOC: Christmas Gift Lists]

Dec 18, 2010 20:33

UUUH THIS IS ACTUALLY... still in progress, as I'm still trying to think up gifts for some characters and may edit gifts for others. ANYWAY, if I missed someone (which I probably did) please don't hesitate to let me know Kaito's list is so looong I probably have missed someone sob.

Kaito's list

Shinichi: A deflated soccer ball with a note: "Looks like your new growth spurt means you won't need these anymore, correct~? Happy Holidays, Tantei-kun! ♥, Kaitou Kid"
Hakuba: A Holmes hat that, when put on his head, spreads glitter EVERYWHERE (have fun cleaning that up). Also a note: "Tweed has never really been in style, Hakuba-san~ ♥, Kaitou Kid." + hot chocolate + Pokemon food for Irene

Kay: Her very own set of lock picks
Johan: An awesome scarf, glove, and hat set + Pokemon treats for his Pokemon + a deck of regular cards
Badd: A bag of lollipops
Heather: A bag of Christmas candy and a few yellows roses to go with it

Simon: A sweater + Candy + Food for Sandshrew
Nia: Flower-shaped candy
Cocona: Pichu plushie to go with the Pikachu one he had Teddie give her
Yayoi: Jigglypuff plushie
Smoker: A box of cigars
Cecil: Pokemon items (assorted potions, revives, repels, etc)
Phoenix: Poker chips and a deck of cards
Hiruma: A football
Rika: Vulpix plushie
Juudai: Pokemon items (pokeballs, potions, revives, etc)
Naoto: Magnifying glass
Keiichi: A book entitled "101 Pokemon Pick-Up Lines for your Perfect Lady"
Layton: A book of Pokemon-themed riddles
Ventus: A brush for his Vaporeon + Pokemon treats
Lea: A bag of candy + Pokemon treats
Sora: A top hat to match Dapper's + candy + Pokemon treats
Rise: Jigglypuff plushie to match Yayoi's
Kagami: A bag of Christmas sweets
Zidane: Gift certificate for two at some kind of restaurant (TREAT DAGGER NICE, ZIDANE ♥)
Barney: A magic-kit with a few small sleight-of-hand tricks
Miles: A joke book (LAUGH DAMN IT LAUGH)
Remi: Also a book of Pokemon themed riddles
Kisa: Growlithe plushie
Vera: A fresh sketchbook with some colored pencils
Kairi: Bag of Christmas candy
Namine: Christmas candy + star-shaped keychain
Yuffie: Christmas candy + Pokemon trainer items (potions, pokeballs, etc)

Mitsuru's list

Ken: Navy blue scarf, hat, and glove set
Akihiko: Training wrist bands and a mini portable punching bag
Yukari: A pink jacket
Junpei: Snow boots
Shinjiro: A new beanie since Minako stole his, along with a matching scarf and gloves
Minato: A few gift certificates to a few fast food-esque restaurants in Cherrygrove, Violet, Azalea, and Goldenrod
Minako: A red jacket
Chidori: A few Pokemon trainer items (2 pokeballs, 2 potions, 2 revives)
Bebe: Gift certificate to her favorite French-esque restaurant in Goldenrod

Hayate: A cookware set in an attempt to encourage him to make a hobby out of cooking! And a Pokemon-themed cookbook, not that she thinks he needs it. Also treats for Hina.
Asuka: A white blouse + Pokemon training items (potions, repels, pokeballs, etc)
Rika: Blue hat, scarf, and glove set
Keiichi: Pokemon training items that boost stats (Carbos, Protein, etc)
Athrun: A new chain for his pendant + a book on Pokemon technology
Rise: A pink scarf, hat, and glove set
Fuu: A Johto history book

ooc, christmas gifts

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