[Sometime before twilight on Tuesday afternoon, amidst the booths and celebrations and festivities of the Johto-wide festival in Goldenrod City, Kaito climbs his way to the top of a streetlamp post. Those of you watching may notice he's standing on the small surface with near-perfect balance as he twirls a black top hat in his hand. Biz, his Aipom
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[AND IT WAS AWESOME. Everybody loves fireworks. Heather was no exception.]
[Heather had been somewhat stranded on that platform while the crowd milled-- it was sort of hard to hop down when no matter where you got off, you'd be landing on someone's small child or something. But eventually she was able to get down-- and that was around the time she caught Kaito's distinctive attention-grabbing cry over the general hubbub.]
[She waved back at him before starting to squeeze her way towards him in the crowd. >8( GET OUT OF MY WAY RANDOM BUSINESSMAN WHO TEXTING THE WHOLE TIME. YES, HEATHER SAW THAT. YOU ARE A BAD AUDIENCE MEMBER.]
[Finally, she made it close enough to talk, gasping exaggeratedly for air.]
MAN! You got a REAL crowd this time!
I told you! Bigger cities usually have bigger audiences. [it was closer to the crowds he gathered as Kid, and was just as exhilarating]
Hey, I never doubted ya!
Anyway, pretty fuckin' rad, man! You really outdid yourself this time.
Guess I'll have to figure out a way to outdo myself even more next time.
Guess I should practice my signature. [his grin softens a bit] ... ha. Didn't think I'd be saying something like that for a while.
Huh? Say what?
I thought all of my performances like this would be as Kid until I found... well. Y'know.
'S kinda nice to perform as Kaito for once.
Really? I never woulda guessed... you seem so natural on the stage. I can see why you'd enjoy these. It's pretty cool to be able to be open here, huh?
[Not that he can tell all and sundry about his secret or anything, but there was something to be said about the freedom Johto gave anyway.]
'S nice.
[She turns then before lending any clarification to that statement, pointing off towards the booths and tents.]
C'mon, you've gotta be hungry after all that.
Wanna grab some of those toasted chestnut things? S'on me!
Ah well. He shakes it off and nods]
Add in a thing of cotton candy and 'm sold!
It's a deal. I think they have the crazy rainbow kind that looks like a clown wig. I always wanted to try that stuff anyway.
C'mon, I'll race ya.
Race me? Think you can win?
[he's already stretching, tense and ready to move]
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