Title: Lucky Number Seven
Pairing: 2min, side Onkey, side Jongkey
Length: 8209 words (oneshot)
Summary: After Kibum takes Taemin out to drinks to cheer him up after his sixth break up in a row, Taemin wakes up the next morning naked and confused in Minho's bed. This leads to a very angry Taemin. Will he eventually give in to the advances of Minho or
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This was so awesome omg where do I begin. I love how Taemin is petulant and stubborn (tsundere is the perfect term indeed) and Minho was just so charming, positive and persistent all the way that it really was inevitable for Taem to fall for him. The little dash of angst was def the perfect way to end it! Taemin finally caved and promptly had gratuitous gay sex with his sexgod of a boyf lol
Need I say more about OnKey? This is exactly how I see them in fic-verse. Jinki being the sexy, albeit awkward, genius and Key, or should I say Kibum, his trophy wife chic and classy diva lovah~ XD Ofcourse the surprise JongKey was a nice addition! I mean, what could go wrong with 2 Kibums right?
Anyhow, should prolly end this before it becomes a novel. Once again, thank you for sharing this with us and I beg - I mean hope to read more 2Min from you soon ♥
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