1. Do you feel like there's something missing in your life?
2. Do you live on your own?
Nope. Live with my parents.
3. Are you feeling uneasy about anything?
Money situation, but that's my fault for not keeping better track of spending.
4. What's the longest amount of time you can remember going without a shower or bath?
Uhm. I don't remember.
5. Does the sight of blood disturb you?
No. And it's a good thing it doesn't since I'm planning on becoming a nurse.
6. Do you know who you want to spend the rest of your life with?
7. Do you hate drama?
Yeah, but I tend to cause a lot of it. -.-
8. Would you rather go blind or deaf?
There are pros and cons to each... can't decide.
9. What would you do if you found out your partner was HIV+?
I'd stand by them.
10. Have you ever been to the deep south?
11. What is your favorite LJ community?
I don't know...
jmusic_uploads, I guess.
12. Where is the person you care about the most?
Not here, obviously.
13. Do you have any plans for later?
14. Do you try to eat healthy?
Key word is "try".
15. Have you/could you give up eating meat?
I could but I won't.
16. Do you eat at Mcdonalds/BK ever? What do you get?
At either one, I get what we call the 'Cheesy Cock': a spicy chicken sandwich with cheese, tomatoes, and onions. Yummeh.
17. When is the last time you saw your best friend?
It's been awhile, unfortunately :(
18. Do you think babies are cute or annoying?
19. Do you cringe at the thought of some of the stupid things you did as a child?
20. Are you afraid of being alone forever?
That I am.
21. Would you rather go without shaving your legs (if you're a girl) for 2 weeks or go without wearing deodorant for 2 weeks?
Without shaving. I can't stand smelling bad.
22. Ever tried buying anything/eaten at a restaurant when you realized you didn't have enough money to pay?
23. Ever taken a pregnancy test?
Oh yeah...
24. Would you like receiving flowers or do you think that's tacky?
I wouldn't mind it at all... if anything, I'd like it.
25. Has anyone ever told you that you should model?
26. Do you like where you are right now?
I guess...
27. Are you in support of gay marriage?
28. Do you have trouble eating anything that looks or smells really gross even if it tastes good?
I've never had anything that smells gross taste good.
29. Do you like to text a lot? If so, on average, about how many do you think you send in a day?
On an average day, I send and receive zero text messages.
30. Is there something you plan on accomplishing after doing this survey?
31. Is your room usually clean or messy?
33. What pisses you off a whole lot?
There's a lot of little things that push my buttons.
34. Is there any smell you like that a lot of people don't or seems weird?
Yeah, but I'm not listing them here.
35. Are you completely comfortable with your sexuality?
For the most part.