Seven names you go by: (this is not easy!)
1. Sheryl
2. Sherri
3. Coconut
4. Sissy
5. Berri
6. Coco
7. Nutters
Four things you are wearing right now:
1. Glasses.
2. Hair ties.
3. PJ bottoms.
4. Tank top.
Four things you want very badly at this moment:
1. My meds.
2. Pizza.
3. Caffeine.
4. Someone to love..
Three people who will answer this:
1. I.
2. Don't.
3. Know.
Two things you did last night:
1. Played on the computer.
2. Played with Ziggy.
Last two people you talked to on the phone:
1. Kaitlin.
2. My mom.
Two things you are going to do tomorrow:
1. Take my meds.
2 Play on the computer.
Four favorite drinks:
1. Coke products.
2. Coffee.
3. Tea.
4. Energy drinks.