Sep 04, 2010 13:08
Howdy everyone! I don't know how many people read my fic, or check on this journal regularly, but I figured I'd make a quick update post since it's been sort of dead in terms of writing and posting more fic.
I just started law school, so I've been insanely busy and studying like, non-stop. I know some people are probably still waiting for the rest of Revelations, and I do intend on finishing that eventually, but I probs won't get around to that until after my exams in December. Which, considering I haven't updated that fic in like... a year? Jesus... makes me a horrible person, and I am very sorry about the long hiatus to anyone who may have enjoyed/been interested in reading the rest. It'll exist eventually. Probably.
However, I have been writing little bits and pieces of fic when I have the chance to. I haven't posted anything since, learning from my WIP hell with Revelations, I've decided I won't be posting anything until it is completed. So you'll probably occasionally see little short-fic updates. I'm also working on a couple longer fics (in addition to Revelations, I'm dumb).
TL;DR: Real Life is taking over my activities right now. Fic updates will be sporadic. I haven't given up on Revelations completely, but it's on hiatus. I love you all. :)