Torchwood Crack Fanart

Aug 13, 2009 17:04

Disclaimer: It's possible I may get yelled at for this. Just keep in mind that these two little art pieces are done in the spirit of playful ribbing, good fun, and crackyness. If you are easily offended or are a member of the all-holy church of Political Correctness, you may just want to skip out on this one. Additionally, I haven't done fan art since my House wut_teh_fakk days (see masterlist) so my drawing skills are crappier than they ever were. I stopped trying to make Ianto look like the same person after the second panel.

Title: Anguished Glomp!
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG for mention of suicide
Description: Dialogue taken (word-for-word, punctuation and all)  from the climactic final scene of a fic I found on the internet that utilizes one of the *cough* Torchwood fandom cliches rather heavy-handedly. At this scene in the fic, Ianto has been beaten by Lisa's father and his friends for letting Lisa die, rendering Ianto crippled for life. I wasn't sure if the author would want me to link to her fic or not... I will attempt to contact her and ask, but if anyone knows this fic, or knows the author and thinks I should link back, let me know and I will be more than happy to do so.

Title: Crystal the Ironically Crystal Rabbit
Pairing: None? Slight Ianto/Crystal, Ianto/Myfanwy pet-love?
Rating: G
Description: Letter to Gwen and description of Crystal (Ianto's pet rabbit) taken from same fic. Same offer to link back, if desired.

fandom: torchwood, rating: pg, rating: g, pairings: jack/ianto, genre: fan art, genre: crack

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