It's been quite a while since I've posted anything, sorry about that. With training getting closer and closer I've been trying to get as much stuff done and in order as I can. I have 14 days until I leave for Lackland, Texas; getting pretty excited about it all. I'm pretty done with this waiting room I've been stuck in. Not getting a job all summer and not being in college has been trying to say the least.
Can't wait to get back, start school back up at Weber and get started on my comic. I hope training goes by fast.
Now to something that's been bothering me a bit, The shooting at Fort Hood. A lot of the news has been focusing too much on the mans religion. I really hate how the media is focusing on the fact that the man was Muslim. Muslim is the second largest religion in the world, it's like focusing on the fact that Hitler was Catholic. The mans religion has nothing to do with his actions.
It was a terrible thing he did yes, but focusing on him being Muslim does nothing but cause the Muslim community to be further ridiculed and discriminated.
Anyway, I'll post some preliminary website stuff soon, some sketchs and what not :) so look to it.