Feb 16, 2005 17:26
Name: Tony
Nicknames: Shnickerdoodle... from chad x33
Age: 14
Location: Florida. .<
Worst thing you've done to a friend: i spit gum in Adam's hair x33 he wasn't that phazed by it though haha
Loudest friend: me
Shyest: uhh... Michael maybe?
Most talented: at what winkwink x3
Sexiest: Brittani ^__^
Craziest: uhh... Adam x3... or Ted
Weirdest: uhh idk
Always makes you smile: Brittani ^__^
Someone You wish you were better friends with: uhh... Michael x3
An acquaintance you wish was your friend: Alex... the white black guy x33
Done drugs: nope ^__^
Got drunk: nope ^__^
Smoke: No.
Stayed up all night partying: nope
Stayed up all night alone: of course x3
Hooked up with someone you didn't know: nope
Hooked up with a friends guy/girl: nope
Broken the law: yup
Snuck out: nope x3
Stolen: not from a store
Skinny-dipped: i wanna v.v
Stalked someone: I did this morning x33
Color: Brittani Color oooo
Music Genre: Techno. Punk. Oi Metal, death metal, Jazz, ska, raggae, Hip hop(only old sk00l)
Movie Genre: Brittani Pr0n
Band: dun have one
Animal: Kitteh ^__^ or Bunneh ^____^
Sport: S3ckzing it up wif Brittani
Song: dun have one
Movie: Probably uhh... idk ::shrugs::
Composer: Freddie Mercury n_n
Language: Japananeseseses
Clothing: Naked wif Brittani
Beliefs & Views
God: can't tell if there is but can't tell if there isn't
Attend Church: hahahahahah!!!
Spiritual: Not particularly
Aliens: Yes.
Ghosts: yeah
Love at first sight: Nope.
Wishes: No. -_-
Abortion: highly support it
Death: when you die you die ::shrugs::
Sex before marriage: only wif brittani winkwinkwinkwinkwankwinkwink
Legalizing marijuana: sure... not like it's hurting anyone
Eating disorders: fat people=t3hgross and hella skiny people=t3hgross v.v
The media: liers
Gay marriages: highly for... no point in banning it
Meat: NUMNUMNUM!11!11!!!
'Angry music': depends
Word Association
Music: My life
White: PRIDE x333
Death: too bad
Computer: games
Peace: yay ^__^
T.V: "My sister just got diagnosed with multiple personality disorder... that's not the funny part... she called the other day and my caller ID exploded" x333
School: seckz?
Sexy: Brittani
Plant: ewww veggies =t3h gross v.v
Hate: idiots n_n
Family life.
Get along with your parents? yeah
Divorced?: yeah but marrieing soon
Who do you live with if so?: MUMMEH ^____^
Flip your parent(s) off?: neh
Do all the housework?: have to x33
Ran away?: Neh
Rich?: Not particularly
Parents hate you?: nope.
Hate your parents: Nope
Favourite family member?: uhh... don't have one
Least favorite?: don't have one
Ethnic background?: Whole bunch of england stuff... oh but mostly french canadian n___n
Hair?: growing it back out long i love my long hair... i miss it v.v
Wished your hair looked like?: long again v.v
Eye style?: my glasses = t3hemowetdream e.e
Wished your eye colour was?: grey
Body build?: "husky" x3
Wished your body build was?: not "husky"
Favourite feature?: intelligence
Least favourite feature: uhh pretty much everything else x3
Makeup / Jewelry?: collar that mattt stole ::killhimded::
RP?: never
Use netspeak?: -.- never
Go to chatrooms?: not anymore
Have multiple screennames?: 5 x333
Have fan-made characters for RP?: don't RP x3
Font?: uhh... Times New Roman x3
Colouring / Digital arts program?: want Photoshop CS v.v
Music player?: Real and WMP
Keep your computer in a different language?: I don't but my brother does x3
Laptop or normal system?: School Laptop and getting a new computer soon
Dial-up, DSL, or cable?: cable
ISP?: Brighthouse x3
Never get offline?: of course duuhh
Hate AOL?: yush
Have censors on school computers?: yeah x3
Swear online?: not that much x33
Eat at the computer?: i am right now x33
Use google.com?: yush who doesn't? x3
dA addict: not really
Computer games?: Love them!!!! ^___^
Mouse: Nixon's doesn't work v.v
Have images and music dotted among your hardware?: yeah haha
Visit porn sites?: no x3
Like forum sites?: sometimes
Have a livejournal?: yeah... duh 0.o