Bet you thought I'd never continue on this... did you? ^_^;
I've been posting it at
TFF first. But eh... I have no problems with releasing unedited works on my LJ.
I'm not making a killing from the Sasuke or the Sasuke : Sharingen manga, anime or even games. So characters like Naruto don't belong to me. They belong to Kishimoto.
There is a cross-over element, but I'm sure that Naoko Takeuchi of Bishōjo Senshi Sērā Mūn fame will forgive me. Well... I'm fairly certain.
In any event, on with the show....
Part 4
In the darkness and safety of her cacoon, the rustling of the moving grains of sand filled Gaara's world.
The soft shifting walls of sand were warm and comforting.
A barrier against the false world.
Against him.
The false tousan. The one who insisted that she was a boy.
That her kaasan died hating and cursing her.
Lies. Every word that he spoke was false.
Just like the world that he lived in.
Even in that false world that she dreamt, Gaara knew that her kaasan and real tousan loved and protected her. Of course, the false one and his children knew this and had tried to hide her from her tousan and kaasan.
They had told her that 'sleep' was dangerous, and to 'dream' would mean death. That she had to meditate or sleep in the safety of wards to prevent her soul from being taken by the demon that her kaasan had cursed her with during the birth that had killed her.
And for a time, she had believed them.
That they were real.
That they cared for her and had her best interests in their mind.
And thus, she existed. Sleeping without 'dreams' in the center of wards, or meditating in a trance, neither of which brought no real relief to her.
Protected by the 'demonic' sands from that which would harm her. Sand that would shield her and slay all around her at the lest of commands.
It was pure chance in the middle of a mission that the Truth was shown to her, the Lies exposed to the light of the resolute light of the sun. Ironically, this was from a shinobi who had used genjutsu to trick her into 'sleep', and in 'sleep'... 'dream'.
Oh, she humoured the false ones. Pretended that she still believed them. For her tousan, kassan, and her aunts were just waiting for her. In the state that the dream world called a 'dream', Gaara was with her true family.
With the rustling of the sand around her, and the soft thumping of her heart, Gaara's eyes closed ever so slowly.
She stretched on the beach blanket, letting the warmth of the sun overhead heat her body. The clean salty scent of brine came with the light breeze.
She breathed a soft sigh as she heard the distant cries of birds in the distance, their cries rising above the sound of the surf crashing on the shore.
Her eyes stayed shut beneath the strawhat.
Gaara much preferred the real world to the false one. She didn't need to kill or worry about being killed.
Her tousan was here to protect her. He didn't need her to fight or do the things that she had to do in the false world.
He was strong.
He was big. Big in a way that the false tousan could never be. More real and solid whenever she compared them to each other in her mind.
He was also standing over her and blocking the sun.
"Tousaaan..." She looked up at him with a pout, blinking away the spots of light in her eyes.
"Hahaha... how is my little princess today?" he knelt down at her feet as she sat up, one hand on her hat to keep it from flying off with the wind.
"I'm fine," she tilted her head, taking in his tanned body beneath his happi robe, barely held shut by a belt. A wide rimmed hat provided shade for his eyes as normal, while his long silver grey hair beneath it rustled in the slight breeze. "I had a bad dream..."
"Really? What happened in the dream?" His look of concern was comforting, even if he did seem to be humouring her.
She nodded back at him, the breeze rustling her hair and threatening to steal her hat once more. "Uh huh... the false tousan made me squish some more of the other dream people. Even the ones who weren't being bad."
"I see... well, there isn't much I can do about that bad man," Gaara smiled at the serious look on his face, he believed in her and cared for her. "But there is something I and your kaasan can do for you, but for us to be able to help you in that bad, bad dream world... there is something you need to do."
"Ara?" she didn't quite purr as he scooped her up in his arms and lifted her in a single smooth motion. The scent of dry wind, powdery sand, and sweet water hung around him like the sweet fragerance around the beautiful desert rose.
"You need to believe in us, and think of us, and just step back a little into the real world. But don't wake up, unless you have to... 'kay?" the low rumbling of his voice, as he carried her away from the beach and towards the home that she, her tousand, and kaasan shared with her aunts, filled her world.
"Of course, tousan... I'll do that," she purred, while curling up against his chest, snuggling his solidness.
"Now, we'll just need to hurry or your kaasan will be angry with me stealing all your time while she's busy... hmmm? After all, isn't today your birthday?"
To be continued