(no subject)

Oct 30, 2011 17:08

My mom is being passive-aggressive again. First she was upset with me because she couldn't make my favorite coffee cake because it calls for sourdough starter, and after she threw mine away, I decided that it was a waste of time to start another one unless I had a specific plan for using it as soon as it had matured.

But of course, my mom didn't tell me that she had a bake sale coming up until two days before it was going to happen, so I don't have time to make one anyway. I found her a different one which I hope will be okay.

She also told my sister yesterday that she wanted to go to Ikea, but omitted the information that she wanted her to go with her. (I don't know why it had to be my sister, and not me, but I've learned not to question things like this.) So she had to come back from a day with her fiance to go to Ikea with my mom.

This is happening more and more often. She's sighing and stomping around the house on almost a daily basis, now.

I cannot wait to get a job, so I can move the hell out of here.

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my mom, whole fam damily

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