I got 1,505 words in Nazombies, and Esther is contemplating a new tactic; be nice to the Hitler Youth kid. It's a moral dilemma, though; she knows that his father isn't showing him much affection. But if she doesn't, the Artifact may fall into the Nazis' hands, and that's a chance she can't afford to take.
39808 / 90000 (44.23%)
I also got 1,243 words to finish out "The Spanish Derelict."
2,748 words. That's nothing to sneeze at.
days: 1
wtd: 2,901
mtd: 2,901
ytd: 119,843
untitled gay young adult fantasy:
63 / 108 (58.33%)
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http://kit-r-writing.dreamwidth.org/483632.html. Please comment there using OpenID.