Favorite Lovecraftian Words

Jul 30, 2011 09:16

During her creation of the free H.P. Lovecraft e-book, Cthulhu Chick also compiled a list of his favorite words.

I could be silly and say my favorite of his favorite words is cat -- I love my kittehs -- but that would be going against the spirit of the thing. A better answer would be one that didn't make the list, but appeared in the previous reading: vertiginous. Meaning "dizzying," it reminds me of a fun time with my co-workers. We'd read it in a review, and we all trooped out to the reference section to look it up. (I really miss working in a bookstore. Sometimes.)

This entry was originally posted at http://kit-r-writing.dreamwidth.org/482218.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

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