Also known as the treatment for a sprained ankle. I was mowing the lawn when I stepped in one of the holes that Snoop dug in her younger, more active days. It hurts like hell, and hurt LIKE FUCK to walk on it, but I managed to limp back into the house, get a ziploc bag full of ice, and hobble to bed on it, so at least it's not broken.
There goes the rest of my day. And probably a good chunk of my week, too, for exercise and going to my storage unit and trying to fix my car. Anything that would require standing or walking is on hold for the duration.
It's not Snoop's fault; she was a digger until old age slowed her down, and she just did what came naturally. My mom has dirt and a tamper and could have fixed the holes somewhen in the PAST FIVE YEARS!
While we're on the subject of Pit Bulls: Also: yesterday's words.
untitled trans young adult steampunk: 502 words
BEGINNING LINE: Hanavet looked eagerly out the carriage window, as the streets of LONDONISH passed by.
FAVORITE LINE: She felt a sudden stab of envy, not only about their clothing and their beauty, but their easy manner and confidence. (Hanavet has never had much reason to feel less-than-confident.)
ENDING LINE: But somehow, she couldn’t quite convince herself of that.
days: 49
wtd: 7,438
mtd: 4,240
ytd: 54,308
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