Feb 05, 2005 10:16
Jen left today *tear*...what am I gonna do for the next week!!?? lol I shall mis thee my hip.
I woke up at the ass crack of dawn again for
the S.A.T think *yawn* it totally sucks. Then I'm going off to work! 4
HRS BABY!! so its not too bad today. Yesterday was fun..I love mi job.
Innywhoo...It's N-Lo's Birthday partay today (party over here!! woo
woo) and then on Sunday..also known as the superbowl is Ashely's
birthday (WOO WOO) and her partay too! so its gonna be a fun fun
fun weekend for moi.
...I just finished cleaning Bob's tank..and the damn animal already fucked it up!!
aww its oky hes so damn cute!
Blah yesterday was like the worst ever. it was just CRAZY!!
For starters I was tired, hungry and PMS'in. Not good
combinations... I was waiting all fucking day to see Harkins
(greatest guy in the world by the way), (Fill in name here) and I are
having issues which is just irritating itself and then we got p.o'd
because I had detention and no one told him that he had to wait 25 min
*gasp* for me to get out. I got irritated because he was acting
like it was such a hassle to wait for me for 25 while I serve a
detention because I was late to class, because i was talking to his
behind. -omg you'r life isnt gonna be over for waiting 25 min
innywhoo I sever my detention which was like 3 min because me and the
teacher are cool and so shes like..put away all the books and wipe down
the lab tables and then you could go. So I do my time. I go out
look for Aleen-o..and shes not there. Oookayy..I Use the cell phone
from one of my friend and she doesn't pick up. So I'm pissed..extreamly
pissed. He offers me a ride I say nah its cool..I'll wait cus She
probably went to take the guys home..who apperantly could wait 3 min.
So I kill time talking to ppl and blah blah
blah I got to my locker..and here Aleen-o. So I'm like w/e take me
home..yaddy yadda.
Go home, get some much needed sleep and then the phone rings..I was
beyond pissed. Its this dude named Andrew, talk to him for a little bit
get invited to go out..I turn it down. then I look at the clock and its
like 4 o'clock. ..there went my sleeping time. So i get ready for
work do the whole thing. its like 4:30..me and aleen have to be
at work at 5. I know shes sucking face..and maybe more(lol) with Alex.
so I'm like w/e if shes here by 4:45 I know we'll still make it..4:45
comes..shes still not here. I call in work say I'm gonna be a little
late..my rides late. Tyler's like w/e its cool see you when you get
here.(my jobs so great, there cool with everything!!) I
think..well if shes running late then she knows it so there's no point
in calling her and saying "HEY BITCH, YOU'RE RUNNING LATE"
so I was like..oky I'll wait. then it dawns on me..this is Aleen when
she's post-nookie she gets dumb.(lol) So I call her(4:50)
me:"where are you??"
her:"on my way to work.."
her:"well dont we work together tomorrow??"
me:"noo..that was today.."
her:" oh shit! I Could of sworn it was tomorrow. oky well I'll turn around"
me: "no its oky I'll call my mom's and tell her to take me work]
her:" no its cool I'm making a u-turn now"
...so I get to wrk at 5:30. It was cool though
cus they were cool about it and junk. Julian was making fun of me
saying "hey baby do you want a ride" in this hick country accent and
rubbing his belly..it was too funny.
wrk goes beautifully..so I got to meet aleen afterwork so we could go
home or w/e. She said " in front of Sears at 9:30" so I'm like oky cool
I look at my watch its 9:20 then i look on the watch on the computer is
says 9:50. oh fucking whore bitch! so I'm hauling ass out to the Sears
area..and she's not there I was like YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!
So i go out of the employe exit and I end up in some distant part of
Sears. So here I am 10:00 at night.lost,cold and pissed. so I'm
walking dodidodido and I hear a person walking behind me..and I start
to freak.out. this guy doesnt look like he could work at the mall
hes wayy to dirty, had like grease stainds on him..and look like a
homeless man. I look back and I start to PANIC in my head is like
"omg this is exsactly what happends in lifetime!!"..I'm gonna get raped
and killed and all this stuff is playing through my head..so I'm like
speedwalking/running..through the side of the mall.and then the guy
yell's ITS OKY!! I'M JUST GOING TO MY CAR!! I Work at the car garage! and then he turns and walks to his car..and drives away...
i felt sooooooooo stupid and i was laughing soo hard. it was so funny...afterwards.
so then i finally turn the corner and theres Aleen in her car. on the OUTSIDE of the front of Sears.
I get in the car and shes like WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN??!! I've been so worried!! I called your MOTHER!
I told her what Happend and we laughed all the way home.
so that was my day.. and you know what??