The Philospher hidden

Oct 07, 2005 13:59

Mmm, yeah I am sitting inside the public libary. Waiting for school to get out, these kids behind me are doing an ADVANCED PLACEMENT english report on the word; Rhetoric. Come on, how effin advanced is that. I mean seriously is our country really that sad that our educations have been that watered down that the word RHETORIC is now considered an advanced english word. Maybe, I am just intelligent? Who knows, I feel like I am intelligent cause I seem to always impress my teachers. However, I do go to an alternative education school for my skipping behavior (looking at my surrondings, I would say I may have a problem with that) and how I like to do it so. Anyways, let me tell you about the school. It is a school riddled with drug addiction, idiocy, ignorance, and surrealism.

Surrealism you may ask yourself, how so? Well, I say it in the way that some of the kids like to pretend they live in an alternate universe. One where they are warriors of an urban enviorment, bandits in the modern day sense; Gangsters. However, they are none of these things. They may be from a poverty stricken household, but I am afraid they are not however Gangsters. They are confused, young children who will either find their way and change, or they will remain in this state and ammount to nothing. Homeless, perhaps. Maybe they will find a job as a mechanic or a 7/11 cashier. Get enough to live in an apartment, find a women dumb enough, perhaps confused enough, to marry them. Raise a few kids, and live in a trailor park. Raising another generation of surrealists. However, they will not ammount to anything either way. Its sad really.

Anyways, I shall need to stop myself from rambling on off subject before I produce too much for one to be bothered with reading. The kids in my school, can barely understand a thing. In one of my classes we are reading philosophical literature. I will leave your imagination to how it goes, if you have no imagination however; I will explain to you. Out of the class of about twenty-five students. I am the only one who truly even understands the book. Its not that they are not reading it or not trying. It is just that their intelligence is well sub-standard. You know what screw political-correctness, I will not use candy words to describe them as what they are; Stupid. In the sense, when someone thinks they are stupid you think. They may not be capable of understanding the book. However, they are completely capable. They just refuse to accept knowledge, by shuving narcotics and more ignorance in there. Its similar to a baby who refuses to grow in weight by not eating food. Well accept for the fact that the baby is not cramming its maul with other things to subsitute the food like the idiots do with their brains.

You know, I could shorten this all down. I should not be in that school, I do not belong and it stands out. If this blasted school thing was not based on credits; which would throw it into chaos if it wasn't. Then I would be able to go back to a regular school, and perhaps be in one of these Advanced Placement classes. Go to a nice university, and maybe become a famous writer, or a philospher. Who knows, but the moral of the story is. I screwed up on such a little thing as skipping a couple of times, and now I am not going to be able to ammount to whatever the fullest of my potential is. So give me a rifle, slap on my kevelar. Send me on that two way shooting range, and give me some college. Then mabye I can acheive half of my potential. You know, if I am not shot in the face first.
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