Aug 12, 2005 23:00

So, I went to the comeback kid show last night. It was amazing, the loved ones, comeback kid, from autumn to ashes, and then rise against played.

I stayed for the first three, and since I hate the last I left after that and sat outside waiting for my girlfriend to come out.

So, I am sitting there with my friends who couldn't get in. They brought me booze, how sweet of them. So, I am drinking it out walks the singer of From Autumn to Ashes. Now, I am not a fan of their second cd at all, but the new shit they played at the show was fucking amazing (excluding when the drummer sings I dont care for it.) anyways so I am like.

*lighting cigarette*
"Hey, dude I just wanted to tell you. That was an amazing show, I really dig the new stuff."

cause I figured he was going to go on the bus, nope he starts lighting up a cigarette and was having a cigarette with me. Then I started talking about how I listened to them when they first came out, around when I was in seventh or eighth grade (supposed to be a senior now.) Then I was like.. "Yeah, you guys were one of the first hardcore bands I listened to unless you consider small brown bike, or boysetsfire hardcore." then we started talking about boysetsfire and how much we both hate their new stuff. Then, he was done with his cigarette and had to go on the tour bus. So, I am sitting out there, and out from nowhere comes the guitarist from Fata; cox. So, I am like "Hey, man awesome show, your guitar is pretty sweet." then we started talking and my friend chimed in and said "Man I listend to you guys when I was younger.", so I chimed in and was like "Pssht, I listened to them three years before they even thought about making a band." then the guitarist said "Well, I listend to From Autumn To Ashes before they were even born." then he had to leave.

So, I am sitting around smoking yet another cigarette and drinking more booze, outside. Then comes up the comeback kid guitarist (andrew) ,but he was on his phone. So, I mentioned to my friend. "I'd scream how good his band was, if he wasn't on the phone." he over-heard me, and when he was done on the phone came up and was like "Hey" then we talked for a second, and he started talking to some girl, and so after they were done talking I was like "Dude, sign my shoe.." and he did.

then I finished the nightoff by getting eighteen times more drunk.
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