Jan 31, 2005 18:39
Sorry I have not been keeping this up very well. I have been either hanging with my girl or family or sleeping when I would have time to update.
Today was unusual due to the fact that I actually kept my promise to Lauren and actually played hookie from school all day with her at her house. It was the first day of the new semester and we knew the teachers would not be taking attendance for atleast 2 or 3 days. Plus, Lauren was not feeling well and she was mad at getting stupid classes she does not even need for graduation. Our administration is going to get told off big time by her and her mom. You can be sure of that.
My classes this semester comprise of Government/Economics, Human Anatomy, and ROP Computers with my favorite teacher. I still have campus release which is great because that means Lauren and I can still carpool. My girl had Leisure Life P.E, Drawing and art, and Health. She did not want any of these classes and she shouldn't have to have them. She has completed evrything she needs done for graduation. She did all her stuff at Santana High but my High School is not recognizing her credits.
I was trying to have Lauren come over for dinner tonight but her mom told me she wants her home because she never sees her anymore. I found the whole thing stupid and not worth argueing about so I said fine. I was sad to tell lauren that her mom was not cooperating. I went to my sweeties work after getting some groceries for my grandpa. I was wishing I didn't have stuff for my grandpa in my truck because I could have hung out at Lauren's work for awhile. Her supervisor was totaly saying I could stay longer. That made me feel so good. It will get to the point that when I have the day off and she works, I will just hang with her all day at work! lol
Well my uncle needs me to give him a ride to pick up his truck after we eat some good lookin steaks for dinner. Baby, sorry u were unable to come over and eat. We will make steak again soon. I love you!
Well Talk to you all soon!