Aug 22, 2005 18:46
Alright guys, so peoria is confusing as hell but it looks to be a realllly good time. gonna be rock climbing and I might even go sky diving sometime. randomly met an iowa baja guy that came up for winter, so we've been hanging out. my roommates are awsome. gonna be different living w/ girls. about 100 interns total for the fall. about half of them are living in the apartments by me. That's really nice for rides and other things. guess i'm working on top secret transmission developments. so i'll give you probably an overview of what i do, but i donno how much you'll get to find out. looks like it should be a lot of fun. the apartments are really new, so they're really nice. kinda small though, i'd say they weren't designed overall for 4 ppl, but it works. we'll get it to work sometime. well you guys are welcome to visit. might be going to chicago for labor day weekend. that should be fun.