Aug 29, 2005 23:43
So I got my schedule today. It looks pretty good. I wish I were taking General Chemistry this year, but whatever. So here's the schedule:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday:
Population Ecosystem 9:10-10:10
Intro to Psych 12:00-1:00
Population Ecosystem Lab (Wednesday) 1:10-4:10
Tuesday, Thursday:
Latin Readings 9:30-10:30
Great Leaders in Modern Western History 1:30-3:00
I have a feeling Wednesdays are going to suck, but all the other days shouldn't be too bad. I feel weird saying it but I'm actually ready for classes to start. All this orientation stuff is boring, and it'll be nice when I actually have a set schedule, and I'll see the people I meet slightly more regularly. With all this orientation you meet lots of people but then you don't really see them again.
Oh and I've found at least one thing that kinda sucks about this campus. If it's raining and you have to go somewhere, you are definitely going to get wet no matter what. Also they don't call this place the Hilltop for no reason. Wherever you're going you will have to walk up a hill at some point.
Also I went and had lunch with my dad today which was pretty cool, except for practically getting blown off the interstate by the freakin wind. Though that wasn't as bad as when Hal and I headed up 78 to get some dinner, and as we topped the hill and we could see the Arby's we were going to, every light we could see went out. So after I turned around the wind really started blowing and it was raining pretty freakin hard. That was interesting but the Wendy's near the interstate still had power so it was Wendy's for dinner.
That's about all I have to say. So uh, yeah.