Jun 11, 2005 15:58
Well guys, tonight is my last night in Alabama. Tomorrow I leave for Atlanta, and well, I'm excited that I have the chance to get out of here, but then again I'm going to miss all my friends.
I should be back for the weekend of City Stages since the uncle I'll be living with is coming to Birmingham to scuba dive in that quarry near Pell City. I have to come back the following weekend ( June 25th) for orientation at BSC.
Yesterday after getting up at like 8am I went and had lunch with my friend Carrie. After that I drove around for a little while then went to Academy and purchased a pretty sweet new pocket knife. Then I spent my evening in front of the tv and having fun with my totally legally obtained copy of photoshop until I fell asleep at like 10. That jet lag hooha is still screwing with my head. Since I went to bed so early, I woke up today at about 5am. As I went into the kitchen to get a beverage I saw the most ginormous owl I've ever seen sitting on the bird feeder outside the window. Then I went and spent a few hours with my dad and had lunch and all that good stuff. Now I'm here, packing stuff to leave. I guess I'll finish that now.
See you kids later. Call me this summer since I won't be around all that much.