ohforadonut: "Dead or Alive," Bon Jovi (Well, Vash does have a bounty on his head...)
the_jumpman: "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)," The Proclaimers. (Mario is willing to go a great distance for those he cares about.)
bloody_blade29: "I Can See For Miles," The Who (This song is temporary, until I can find something better. It's a reference to his Jagan.)
somanymasks: "Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For," u2 (Again, this is until a can find a better song. The way I play Trowa, he's looking for something to do with his life without becoming a soldier again, or becoming like Heero. He just doesn't know what, exactly.)
pir8huntr: "I Fought The Law," The Clash (She's a bounty hunter. The choice is obvious, really.)
thesoundbarrior: "Run Like Hell," Pink Floyd (Again. Obvious. ^^)