When they kick at your front door, how you gonna come?

May 31, 2011 16:49

*The Daily Prophet sits on the coffee table next to a floral tea mug with lipstick decorating the edges. It looks completely harmless and exceedingly average aside from Davey's face taking up the entire page, accompanied by the warrant for his arrest. Davey and Emmeline have been staring at the paper for only a few seconds, but it feels like hours. He blinks, tentatively touching the paper with his fingertips, tracing the bold black "D" of his name with a frown.

The disbelief and fear coursing through him results in a wavering laugh. He runs his hand through his hair and glances at Emmeline.*

This...this is a fucking joke, yeah? Either that or I'm still high from last night.

davey gudgeon, emmeline vance

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