Get back, motherfucker, you don't know me like that

Mar 14, 2011 09:48

*Holding an infant is vaguely at odds with most of the images Lucius like to paint of himself. It's at odds with his image as a leader of Society; it's most definitely at odds with his image as a loyal Death Eater. But there are times when image matters - most of the time, image matters - and times when it doesn't. This is one of the latter. That's why, on a family outing to Diagon Alley, he's holding Draco cradled to his chest as securely and gently and unabashedly lovingly as one might expect of any father. At least one who wasn't a Death Eater.

The outing is mostly for Draco's benefit. Lucius has been reading baby books since June (a fact which he does guard jealously from his colleagues of all stripes), and has definitive ideas about mental stimulation and socialization. And, in his view, starting the boy early on who not to socialize with is as important as teaching him who's acceptable, and anyway, the manor is far too quiet. It wouldn't do to have Draco grow up too used to that kind of quiet, and wind up nervous or twitchy or the like.

So, Diagon Alley. It's just now warm enough again for this kind of day out, and Draco seems to be enjoying drooling on Lucius's robes. (This bothered him for about a week, after Draco was born. He's gotten very, very used to it.) So far, so good. He turns to Narcissa, smiling, and so fails to see who's coming out of Florian Fortescue's behind him.*

So far so good, I'd say?

lucius malfoy, narcissa malfoy, arthur weasley, molly weasley

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