I think my trusty old G4 finally departed for Mac-Heaven today.
Immediately I felt a deep sense of loss and despair as if I had just lost a dear physical friend. In a metaphysical sense perhaps I did. It was the keeper of my tears, sadness, laughter, joy, anger and rage found in my music files, graphic files, programs and games. It had been with me for the past 5 over years and had served me faithfully till today.
I'm using my Mum's laptop now and it's just not the same. While I have done as much basic customisation as possible, it just doesn't feel the same. It's like the unwanted stepchild perpetually hovering at the threshold of the house, neither belonging nor leaving. The look and feel irks me and the whole system just pisses me off.
However that being said, despite all that my rant about just how retarded Windows is, I am considering getting a Windows desktop instead as my primary end goal is still gaming. It would be much cheaper to get a high end range that plays
Cataclysm smoothly than bankrupting myself trying to match the level.
I haven't fully decide yet.
piglet_2005 's eye area is no longer red and swollen. Thanks for all your concerns.