:) :) :) HAPPY FACE :) :) :)

Jun 16, 2004 14:56

Today was fun. Very fun. I went to bed knowing I had no exams, so I did not have to go to school, and woke up with that same sentence in mind. It was amazing. As I woke up, I acted out that really great scene from all those cartoons (or maybe just one...sleeping beauty?...or was it Cinderella...) where she gets up, puts on a robe (ok, so birds didnt pick mine up and put it on me), goes and opens the curtains and then her window...and guys, im not even kidding, there was a bird sitting right there, next to my window. It was so awesome. I sat next to my vanity/dresser and brushed my hair a million times, and then went back to reality..which means flipping on the tv. You know, when you are trying to study, don't ever put on VH1 before doing so. Those shows suck you right in, and there is no way to escape. So that's basically what I did today. Watched VH1 shows like "Awesomely Bad Bubber Moments" and "Red Hot Red Carpet : 2003". Catching up on all that good hollywood gossip...you know how we do. And guess what! I went to brookdale today, and it turns out, I got into that math course. Thought I failed the entrance test, but whatever. I got in. Three cheers for Chiara. And now I need to go study, because that tv took up all my morning....and half the afternoon. Toodles, my little pieces of heaven.
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