In attempts, or so it was publically said, to help the iraqi people in their civil war, America sent 100,000 troops on March 20th, 2003 to " to disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction, to end Saddam Hussein's support for terrorism, and to free the Iraqi people".
Years have passed, and what have they accomplished?
How odd it is that these very large amounts of WMD's that George Bush accused Saddam Hussein of having have not turned up? One of the huge reasons he pushed this ridiculous war on everyone was because he claimed to fear what could be done with these WMD's. Well.. they're in the middle of a war now, so where are they? Surely if they had tons of them stored away they would get them now, when their people are being brutally murdered. I understand where the accusations are coming from, if you take a look at Iraqi history you'll understand why too. Mustard gas, Tabun and nerve agents have been used in a fair amount of wars Iraq has been a part of. Even smallpox was studied and George Bush feared that it too would be used as a weapon. Just prior to the invasion, UN weapon inspectors were allowed to enter the country again. Some of the weapons were not accounted for, and when asked where they were, they said they had destroyed them. I understand doubting them, because surely you can't trust someone like Saddam, but can you really start a war from your own beliefs, even though almost half of the people you're supposed to be "protecting" are against what you're doing? Apparently yes.
The Americans captured Saddam Hussein and handed him over to the iraqi people where he was horribly (not in the sense that the method they used is extremely painful, because firing squad or gassing is worse, but in the way that they were insulting him seconds before he was going to die) and publically put to death.
How many Iraqi people are now free? Since the start of the invasion, there has been an updated list including pictures of each American soldier who died. Every single thing is in order and there is not a sole person unaccounted for. However, Iraqi stats are less reliable. In regards to casualties, the wounded have not even been counted. So, for this reason, an exact number is not known, unfortunitely. However, if you do want to see the numbers,
click here.
So, in regards to the motive of George Bush, has his mission been accomplished? Knowing all of this.. is it really a surprise that thousands of iraqi people are anti-US protesters? Does it really shock anyone that rather than killing Iraqi forces, they're going to start killing american troops? I mean, seriously, the Americans have been way more of an enemy than anyone in Iraq has been, so really, who didn't see
this coming?